Labels:bulletin board | earth | fence | grass | person | reckoner | sky OCR: abod efghiklmnoparst stuvwxyz ABCDEI FGHI JKL MNOP&RSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 ~1@#%&0 KIBN :;/? The gick browm fOr jumps ove.Y the lazy dog The guick brown fox jumps over the lozy dog The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown xof jumps over the 10zy dog The quick brown fox jumps over the 102y dog quick brown xof jumps over the 102y dog quick brown xof Jumps over 017 102y abode ABCDEFGHI 0123456189 guiak oveY lorown juimps 1azy l0z4